• Monday Mantra:: I Make New Moment Resolutions

    Monday Mantra New Moment Resolutions

    I heard this term in some Abraham Hicks audio recently and it has stuck with me since. At this time of year especially we begin looking into the year that is about to transition into the next and then we hastily begin making new year resolutions before the old year is out.

    Besides the lack of real consideration behind them, there is something a little lacking in the “expected” response to the age old question “What’s Your New Year Resolution?”. There are the usual types like Travel destinations, lose weight and get fit as well as the visit more, travel more, do more, be more etc. There are a few things that suddenly have clicked for me at the mere mention of the New Moment Resolution.

    1. The definition of the word Resolution.
    2. The Lack of meaning in them and
    3. The insistence that we wait until the new year to begin

    The Definition

    Some people have missed the definition of a resolution. These are definitions as taken from thefreedictionary.com:

    1. The state or quality of being resolute; firm determination: faced the situation with resolution.
    2. firm decision to do something: made a resolution to get more exercise.
    3. course of action determined or decided on: His resolution is to get up early.
    4. The act of solving or explaining a problem or puzzle.

    Often our “resolutions” are made in haste and only ever skim the surface of what we’re really striving for. “Lose weight” for example is too loose and open to interpretation and at the mercy of life happening around us.

    What we could say is this: I’ll make small changes through out the year to improve my opinion of myself and my body image. It speaks more to the humanity in us. The fact is that often when we make a new year resolution, we don’t sit down and work out how we’re going to make it happen, we don’t project plan it working out all the possible things that could go wrong and working out how we can mitigate that risk. The fact is that we start off well meaning and when life or work get busy or complicated, it often falls out the window and we fall off the wagon so to speak. Making small changes means we get to appreciate small wins. Which builds our confidence. And this builds momentum. It also allows us to focus on our own sense of self, not someone else’s idea of what we should or should not be doing for ourselves.

    Remember that a Resolution needs to be a decision for a course of action that fills you with determination and solves a particular “problem”.

    What does it mean to you if you say your resolution is to travel around the country more? If you were doing this already, how would it make you feel? What would it bring to your life and your experience?

    If you’re revolution is to lose weight, then when you arrive at your goal weight or at your fitness goal, how will you feel? How will you feel about yourself? What qualities will it install in you? what do you gain emotionally, spiritually, mentally, physically from achieving it?

    Make your resolution meaningful for you. Include those meaningful feelings in your resolution.

    Waiting for the New Year
    Why wait? Why not begin now? Right now? If it’s important to you, it shouldn’t be something that waits for the new year. Why not work out what your resolution is, define it, give it meaning for you and then begin strategising? There is no time like the present and if it’s that important to us, then we owe it to ourselves to begin. Not next year, not next week and certainly not tomorrow. Begin it now.

    Aks yourself: What will it take to achieve my resolution? Who do I need on my side for this? What do I need? How much time will it take given my current circumstances (time, family, work etc). How much do I want it? On a scale of 0 – 10 (o being not important at all to 10 being my number one priority for me this year) what importance is it to you? Do need any other help for this (Personal Trainer, Business Coach, Nutritionist or perhaps a Travel Agent)?

    Write it down. Get a nice piece of paper and a marker or pen and write your resolution out like an affirmation. If you physically write it out, it seeps into your subconscious more easily. Write it and write it often.

    Make a new moments resolution and get planning right now so that even if you don’t officially begin until the new year, you’ll be all set up and ready to hit the ground running from week one.

     As always, download and save to your desktop or phone or print it and pin it somewhere you’ll see it. When you see it, say it. And if you know someone who would also benefit from this mantra, share it.
  • 3 Steps to Get Closer to Achieving Your Goals

    Okay, so we’re heading into the “festive” season (some would argue that most of the stores have been there for a good few weeks now). Most people sigh when they’re reminded that Christmas is just around the corner. This is typically because somewhere deep inside us, we’re thinking “where did that year go?”, “what happened to all those things I was going to do this year?”, “Argh, I didn’t achieve any of my goals. Again.”.

    As a Kinesiologist, I work with goals all day, every day. It’s often very surprising what holds us back from achieving our goals and is often not what we think it is.

    Given that we’re heading towards the end of the year when most people like to set goals for the new year, I’ve put together a basic 3 step program to help get you on your way to achieving your goals in 2014.

    I’m making this one available only to my newsletter subscribers so make sure you sign up now to get access to the series. The first of the series will be launching on Monday 25th November – make sure you’re on the list for success.

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